Located in the city of Puebla, in Mexico, this work composes an island in the neighborhood of Angenópolis, where is situated the preeminent development of the city. This island, actually, is a mixed use venture, that has prospects of residential, commercial and retail uses. Witness of the Mexican resistance, Puebla inspires the project bringing local memories to a contemporary composition, which will support the pulsing spatiality of this region.
Architecture audaciously proposes, a man-made hill, where in this magnitude all uses interact with each other in only one universe, with a relevant alteration of the Puebla landscape, seeking a spatial renewal of the site.
A robust volumetry that houses a community center, offices and covered parking lots, grows in this landscape, through green walls and high gardens. It is cut by single access axis, covered by an artistic pergola that brings the big mass to the human scale of the city. Culminating the volumetry, three towers of high level apartments complete the island.