“The coverage range of a mixed-use Project always provides a major approximation with the natural environment, and often the requalification, or even an urban regeneration.”

Here you will check commercial districts, designed to be built in stages.

Sunset Skyscraper

Southeastern, USA
2016 | (in progress)

The sunset spectacle limited by urban frames. This philosophical image of this phenomenon which is responsible to add nature forces to the human intervention resulting amazing landscapes. The simplicity of this daily meeting motivates the project of these commercial skyscrapers located in a district where this relation is perfectly represented.

Parque Global 03

Southeast, Brazil
2020 (in process)

Parque Global 02

Southeast, Brazil

Parque Global 01

Southeast, Brazil
2014 | (in progress)

The bamboo wisdom, witness of the victory of the land against the force of wind, has inspired the creation of this project: a large mixed use complex, designed to be one of the strongest business destinations in Latin America.

The high density of the buildings and the synergy between the activities led to the integration of architecture and urban planning, which was possible through the use of a background minimalist landscape. The sophistication of bamboo inspired the conception of facades, finishing materials, internal and external gardens, assisting the spatial fluidity and the formation of a unique and visual identity capable of generating an overall understanding, integrating and, simultaneously, distinguishing the office towers, hotels and shopping center buildings typologies. 


São Paulo, SP
2021 (in process)

A utilização racional dos recursos naturais e a ênfase na construção de uma experiência coletiva de qualidade elevada, fará com que uma área originalmente periférica, adquira um novo propósito. Um novo sentido de centralidade, desta provável “nova cidade compacta”, enriquecerá toda uma região ora carente, com uma nova opção democrática de passeio urbano.


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2021 | (in progress)


São Paulo, SP
2021 ( in process)

Plaza Campos Gerais

Ponta Grossa, Brazil

Vitória Campinas

Campinas, SP
2018 | (in process)

A localização privilegiada no alto de uma colina, com ampla visão de toda a da cidade, faz deste projeto um belvedere natural, onde a arquitetura e o paisagismo desprendem-se da paisagem, num conjunto harmônico naturalista. Numa visão idílica fabular, as torres e a arborização suspensa das coberturas criam caminham de sonho, por entre “árvores voadoras”.

Airport Mall

Brasília, Brazil

Airport Mall

Lagoa Center

Southeast, Brazil
2015 | (in progress)

A design emerging from the water. The volumetric composition of this mixed use complex develops through the fluidity of this element, which during its path define spaces. The concept comes from this dynamism that sometimes goes through a quiet horizontal path and, suddenly, vanishes with force in vertical falls, following a rhythmic way.

Following this idea, an artificial creek guides the buildings of this project through a cyclic articulation of the concept and the great source of energy of this work. It is the transformation of a torrid shed into a strong scenery that unbuttons in the city grid.

Country Arena

Central-West, Brazil
2015 | (in progress)

The outback joy of the Central-West region population, as well as its rich culture that came from this country origin are exists almost like a stylistic movement for Brazil. It is a universe of music, poetry, plastic arts and, finally, architecture, representing typical features of this traditional people.

Feeding from this humanistic energy and from the singular style, a large event center joined with service a residential buildings develops in this area, celebrating a contemporaneity destination of these regional values.


Centro-Oeste, Brasil
2014 | (em desenvolvimento)

Leading place of Brazilian modernist expression, Central-West region was embraced by the winds of this style that represents the major architectural pride of the country. Simple but strong lines and the geometry of volumes draw this inspiring art represented by beautiful monuments in the region.

Under this sublime atmosphere, the design of a large mixed-use center grows reverencing all this cultural richness through solid references that intertwine with a contemporary strength.

Fernando Correa

Central-West, Brazil
2013 | (in progress)

Torre Alfândega

Southeast, Brazil
2012 | (in progress)

Lauro de Freitas

Northeast, Brazil
2012 | (in progress)


Porto Maravilha

Southeast, Brazil
2011 | (in progress)

Itaboraí Plaza

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2010 | 2015

Shopping Parque das Bandeiras

São Paulo, Brazil
2010 | 2012