First flight of PBA to America, the Project of this multipurpose building in American metropolis still is progress to become an important center to a prominent neighborhood, one of the fastest growing areas of the city, and is the densest place of the city. Traditionally residential, the locality has a considerable proximity to the sea, ...
sunset skycrapers Sunset Skyscraper
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waltz of the flowers Parque Global 03
This complex is an audacious project, located by the bay of Guanabra, in the magnificent natural landscape of Rio de Janeiro. Bossa Nova Shopping welcomes ‘cariocas’ and visitants arriving in the city by the Santos Dumont airport. The project involved the revitalization of an existing building located next to the airport, that housed offices of ...
sugar loaf promenade Complexo Santos Dumont
Shopping Metropolitano Barra is an innovative enterprise located in one of the most thriving growth areas of the city: Barra da Tijuca Metropolitan Center, a pulsing region of real estate increase, which also hosted the 2016 Olympic Park and, not by coincidence, was and still is a target of several investments. Inside of this living ...
urban mountain ride Shopping Metropolitano Barra
Parkshopping Canoas is a great development, still in progress, situated in the city of Canoas, area of relevant growth, second economy of Rio Grande do Sul. This audacious project gives to this region a new way of life in the city, with way more comfort and the best retail, services, food and entertainment options, next ...
canoeing on the lagoon ParkShopping Canoas
The Jundiai Shopping is a mixed use Project inserted in the city of Jundiai, a extremely important city to São Paulo, presenting the 9th economy of the state. As a productive engine, this complex conceptually was created from the idea of union of three major guidelines: sophistication, technology and efficiency. A business and retail center ...
tuscany terraces Jundiaí Shopping
mina's mountain BH Shopping
nautical styles Shopping Recife – Food court
This is a work still in progress, characterized by a mixed use complex to be inserted in a huge metropolis of Brazil, dubbed “Bamboo Wisdom” because took its inspiration from the observation of these natural elements, which are witness of the nature power.The legacy thought and efficiency vision permeates the architectural design of this work. A ...
bamboo wisdom Parque Global 01
Parkshopping São Caetano is part of an extremely innovative project, located in the city of São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo. It is situated in the fresh neighborhood of Espaço Cerâmica, the largest revitalization project of an urban area in Brazil. The new neighborhood contains green spaces, public parks, residential and commercial buildings and the ...
post-industrial gears ParkShopping São Caetano
O complexo de uso misto do Barra Shopping sul é um empreendimento de grande importância para Porto Alegre, contando com o maior shopping regional da cidade em área locável. O projeto já consolidado conta com o shopping center e com uma torre comercial, a Cristal Tower, além de ter a previsão de edifícios residenciais e ...
river lantern BarraShoppingSul
noah's ark Templo das Nações
Located in the city of Puebla, in Mexico, this work composes an island in the neighborhood of Angenópolis, where is situated the preeminent development of the city. This island, actually, is a mixed use venture, that has prospects of residential, commercial and retail uses. Witness of the Mexican resistance, Puebla inspires the project bringing local ...
man made hill Isla de Angenopolis
In a huge Brazilian metropolis, next to large retail enterprises, this project is part of urban regeneration work. To aggregate more dynamism to this region, the idea is to complement and regenerate an important center to this area. The work designs a business tower integrated to an existent shopping center, completed by a new theater, ...
growing crystal Garden Towers
The Shopping Parque is maybe the most audacious project of shopping center, already designed by the Latin American architecture. Development is still in progress to its future consolidation. The conceptual design took insights from the water pure molecule. Synonym of life and regeneration, water as a fount of inspiration with all its fluidity was essential ...
pure water molecule Parque São Paulo
In a huge retail center, already mature, consolidated and adopted by practically all region of this Brazilian capital, this work is a propose of masterplan to be implanted in phases to a current shopping center with regional character that will be transformed into a giant mixed use complex. Through a holistic view and commitment to ...
social gardens Complexo Metropolitano
architect's sketch Airport Mall
This is a special work for our city. Designed to be a component of the Olympic Village, in Rio de Janeiro, this neighborhood center was planned to support the residential part of the 2016 Games infrastructure, offering services and retail, being a member of the legacy to the city, in this new born residential area. ...
olympic fireball Rua Carioca
The magnitude of land, topography and the exceptional accessibility of property guided Park Shopping Continente project, located at the road confluence of BR 101 and SC 407, one of the most notable junctions in the metropolitan region of Florianopolis. Sea as inspiration and main focus of composition set distribution of activities turned to the exterior ...
continental view Continente Park Shopping
Located in a important growth vector of the city, after the BR470 freeway and next to areas that compose the Blumenau 2050, project of urban renovation, the Blumenau Norte Shopping is a regional center with singular operations of food, retail, services and the best entertainment activities of Santa Catarina. The development has easy access to ...
half-timbered assembly Blumenau Norte Shopping
The legacy thought permeates again PBA’s designs. Like a river spring, this project develops from a current structure, built to host an operational segment of the Olympic Games, in Rio de Janeiro. This work prepares the future of this simplified equipment, transforming a huge shed into a magnificent business district and regional shopping center. Inspired ...
plateau river Lagoa Center
Bay market Mall is located in Niteroi’s downtown between the bus and ferry stations with a high level of pedestrian traffic. This mall, that offers a breathtaking view of the Bay of Guanabara, was developed in 1997, this restoration was the mall’s largest undertaking. Furthermore, this project coincided with the revitalization project of Niteroi’s infrastructure. ...
caravel voyage Shopping Bay Market
The Mixed Use complex of “Country Arena” is an innovative project still in progress, located in the central-western occupation, where the country culture is intense. Besides, its city of insertion has a strong presence of the art deco architecture. Thus, the conceptual inspiration of this project was born from the countrified sense and from the ...
rural joy festival Country Arena
North Shopping Fortaleza is a mall with great relevance to the city. It is located on the Bezerra de Menezes Avenue where there is high influx of pedestrian and commercial traffic. Inaugurated over 20 years ago, North Shopping suffers the wear and tear of time and recurrent use. For this reason it needed an architectural ...
coloured sand cliffs North Shopping Fortaleza
One of the largest regional centers of the whole Northeast, with monthly traffic of costumers that represents numbers almost equivalent to the city’s population, Shopping Recife is a reference of retail for the whole country. For this reason, an integrated project of renovation and expansion was planned to continue this success path. Projects followed the ...
historical reef stones Shopping Recife
In the young Central-West region of the country, this Project breathes the Brazilian modernist winds, architectural movement that embraced the country’s tropical savanna, the Cerrado. Driven by the simplistic and geometric lines of Oscar Niemeyer and other exponents of this art, the prominent architecture of this work appears in a large archway that leads the whole ...
brazilian savannah palace Sobradinho
Project is located in an important Brazilian capital with a pulsating population, which becomes increasingly, global and classy. A special venture has been thought to give this discerning public who has strong relations with their land, but urges for sophistication and comfort. Focusing to meet these demands, project lifts up a group of buildings with ...
piraputanga fish Fernando Correa
This is piece of integration of Barra Shopping mixed use development, composed by the Barra Shopping , a superregional center, the New York City center, a entertainment center, the Business District of Barra Shopping and a high standard community mall. This suspended walkway can be understood as an important artery to this rich complex that ...
silkworn air traking Passarela CEB | BRS
Campo Grande Shopping is strategically located In Campo Grande City, MS. This trendy shopping center is always under renovation in order to keep up with the modern changes in culture. The IX expansion clearly represents the concept to create a contemporary extension. Thus, everything about this project was entirely planned in order to meet the ...
palm tree shade Shopping Campo Grande
Celebrating the big Brazilian Northeast Region, this Project has energy since the moment of its conception. Located in this extremely powerful and culturally rich, with diverse artistic movements from the most different origins and ethnicities, the architectural design aims to comprise all this anthropologic strength. Through the contrasts between the softness of straight lines and ...
archaeological capital Lauro de Freitas
Parkshopping Barigui is a regional mall of huge relevance to the city, considered by consumers the best shopping center of Curitiba because of its remarkable architecture and the completion of services, retail and entertainment options. Side by side with an urban forest with over than twenty thousand square meters of preserved native green area, shopping ...
underground river ParkShopping Barigüi
The beautiful lakeside location of Parque da Vaca Brava, in Bueno sector, an upper-class district of Goiânia, stimulated the creation of an expansive picturesque concept, linking the building to the architectural tradition of the city. Art Deco Cubist principles present on historical and preserved buildings in Goiânia, were the major sources of inspiration. The project ...
art deco revisited Goiânia Shopping
This Shopping Center, endowed with nearly 250 stores, is the core piece of a mixed use complex, which will be completed by a business center. Located in a deactivated quarry, the building was planned to a craggy site. Thus, to seek the perfect fit, the biggest portion was shaped in a more flattened part, reducing ...
friction between stones Shopping Nova Iguaçu
This remarkable complex was projected to a Brazilian state capital, to be implanted in the middle of the downtown, core of the city center. Densely occupied, this metropolitan area has a powerful and active life, with uses of all natures, promoting a severe daily urban dynamism. Besides, this region also is going through a renovation ...
whale jumps Porto Maravilha
Located in the Brasilian central-west region, this mall is a special project for a insertion of a new venture in an extremely exigent market with strong competitors. Therefore, the demand of a project differential was absolutely essential to create a unique place. The concept aims the major relation of the architecture with its surroundings trying ...
floating aquatic plants Marina Mall
Opened in November 2014, Manaus ViaNorte shopping is part of the biggest mixed use complex of North region of Brazil. It is located in the urban space where all vector of expansion are pointed to. A place strategically chosen because of its huge economic potential. To this bold work, elements related to the Amazon nature ...
fish parade Shopping Manaus Via Norte
This almost urbanistic work for a prominent neighborhood of Porto Alegre, already consolidated by residential use, is a grand project to real estate. Located side by side with solid enterprises of great value for the region, this project grows around a beautiful natural landscape, important to the city, with an enormous lagoon with millions potentialities. ...
sailing on the river Marina Towers
Next to the University of São Paulo’s campus and to the Marginal Pinheiros Avenue, São Paulo Plaza Shopping grows among a new urban occupation of Jaguaré neighborhood. Taking space from old factories, new born residential and commercial buildings increase demand for commerce and service to support this new population. The mall project develops around a ...
matsuri harvest feast São Paulo Plaza Shopping